Portfolio >The Wake of the Unseen Object





The Wake of the Unseen Object

This series examines our current landscape in the context of the historical Western expansion of the United States. Each painting juxtaposes a current view of a specific location with written passages from nineteenth-century journals and other original historical documents. I have painted each place as it exists today, and locations are researched to be as accurate as possible, and usually within 100 feet. 

European American settlement was framed as a divinely-ordained project to build a more perfect society, a “city on a hill”. Yet creating this American utopia caused horrific Native American bloodshed and cultural dislocation, profound environmental degradation, significant settler struggle and moral compromise. 

These pieces seek to ask a central question: does our contemporary landscape manifest our American ideal? After heavy costs over many years, was this what we wanted, or was there something else we desired?



Installation note: text and graphic accompanying each piece can either be printed on the wall (silkscreen), or printed on cardstock next to each painting.



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